def calculate_phases_score(aneurysm_size, age, hypertension, smoking): score = 0 # Calcola il punteggio in base alla dimensione dell'aneurisma if aneurysm_size <= 7: score += 1 elif aneurysm_size <= 15: score += 2 else: score += 3 # Calcola il punteggio in base all'età if age <= 60: score += 1 else: score += 2 # Calcola il punteggio in base all'ipertensione if hypertension: score += 2 # Calcola il punteggio in base al fumo if smoking: score += 3 return score # Esempio di utilizzo phases_score = calculate_phases_score(10, 65, True, True) print("Il phases score è:", phases_score) Cerebral venous thrombosis – Lab Neurovascolare

Cerebral venous thrombosis

Piazza G1.

Case Presentation: A 20-year-old woman presented with 24 hours of severe left-sided headache associated with nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia. She was previously healthy and was taking only an oral contraceptive pill. On physical examination, she was tachycardic to 110 bpm, normotensive with a blood pressure of 108/64 mm Hg, and appeared uncomfortable. Neurological examination in the emergency department was unremarkable. Migraine headache was considered the most likely cause of her symptoms. After analgesia had improved her symptoms, the patient was discharged with instructions to return if her headache recurred or worsened. She returned 12 hours later with recurrent severe headache. Head computed tomogram (CT) without contrast demonstrated hyperdensities along the left tentorium and involving the left sigmoid sinus that were concerning for cerebral venous thrombosis (Figure 1A and B). A magnetic resonance (MR) venogram was recommended and showed thrombosis of the left transverse and sigmoid sinus and proximal internal jugular vein (Figure 1C and D). The clinical presentation and imaging findings established the diagnosis of cerebral venous thrombosis.


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doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.067835.

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